
A Viera who has devoted himself to helping Misae rescue Griffith after Misae saved Lainn's family, additionally also curing them of any illnesses they had in which they could not cure themselves due to their poverty. Pure at heart despite his look, Misae allowed for the Viera to join him in the fight against the imposter Griffith for only those with strong willpower and pure of heart are able to get near the Xaela. Despite his own romantic attraction towards Misae, he knows where the Raen's heart lies, yet nonetheless is true to their word in helping Misae attain their goal.
— "I will be your fortress of protection."


Griffith's first love and his first everything. A Hyur whom fell madly in love with Griffith. She was older than him when they began to date thus being the only form of guidance in his life. Studying to become an astrologian to help heal others; she wanted to help Griffith as well. A woman of her word, she never broke her promises, even if it meant costing her, her own happiness for the one she deeply cared about.
— "I think you were forced to grow up too fast."


Misae's white magic teacher. Very proficient in performing white magic, his training with Misae to help them learn the forbidden spell "Raise" was put on hold in order for the Raen to be able to pursue and stop Older Griffith. He is also Misae's emotional mentor; teaching them how to have a firm grip on their emotions when facing against the Xaela, making sure they don't succumb to personal feelings that can cost the Raen their life when facing against Griffith.— "You'd be surprised."

X'rhun Tia

Misae's combat teacher. At first, he didn't deem Misae worthy in learning the sword, but the Raen's drive to want to learn the art to save their friend and master it proved to him he they were serious. Remembering that red mages strive for the greatest good, he believed Misae and has decided to teach them everything he knows.— "Impossible. Everyone has sinned at least once."